You Got a Heart! Now What?
If you received a heart from Fedowar Press during a Twitter Pitch contest, that means we are inviting you to send us a query for your work. It doesn’t mean we will offer you a contract. It doesn’t mean you have to query us. It means we are extending our hands to start a conversation.
If we move forward with this conversation, that means we are examining each other to decide if we are a good fit for one another. We are both learning about each other’s expectations and merits, and testing to see if that fits our goals. Much like any business relationship, you are looking for another party with compatible interests, respect, honesty, dedication, and reciprocation.
If either of us decides to part ways anywhere in the process, please know it is never a personal decision. It would be because something about this project does not fit the goals that either of us are trying to reach. And we hope to continue life amicably. You never know, another project may work better.
Should you query us?
This is a question to ask yourself. Working with a small press is different than having an agent or being signed to a large publishing house. Please read our page on what working with Fedowar Press would be like, and make sure you are okay with this scenario. It is important to know what you are getting into. Contracts last a long time, and you should be happy and understand the ins and outs of yours.
Want to move forward? Here are some guidelines.
- Use our Submission form with the subject “Twitter Pitch” in the Submission Type field.
- Paste your query letter into the form. Make sure it includes:
- The pitch we gave a heart to
- Length, Genre, Title
- Is there series potential?
- A bit about yourself
- Have we met? Remind us.
- Do you have any writing credits?
- What is your social media info?
- Do you like dogs? Cats? ferrets?
- Paste your synopsis into the form, 250-500 words preferably.
- We know everyone hates these, but it really helps us to know there is a structure to the story.
- We need to know the large strokes, the ending, the twists and turns.
- Attach the first 5k words of your story through the form in standard manuscript format.
- Please allow up to six weeks for a response. After that, If you haven’t received word, feel free to check-in for an update.
Still have questions? Please use our contact form, and we will get back to you.