

We do not have any open anthology submissions at this time.


Fedowar Press is currently closed to novel submissions except by invitation.

Twitter Pitch Contest

Did you get like from Fedowar Press in a Twitter Pitch contest such as #PitMad, #SFFpit, or #PitDark? This page has all the info you need to query us correctly.

Submission Form

Please use the form below to submit your query. Please refer to the appropriate info above for submission guidelines.

All attached documents should be .DOC or .DOCX in standard manuscript format: 1 inch margins, 12pt font, either Times New Roman or Courier.

Is this from a Twitter contest? If this submission is for an anthology, which one?
Should include your genre, word count, and a brief description of your story. Tell us a little bit about yourself. For example: Have we met? Remind us. Do you have any writing credits? What is your social media info? Do you like dogs?
We know everyone hates these, but it really helps us to know there is a structure to the story. We need to know the large strokes, the ending, the twists and turns.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Max file size=3MB

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